Gekkeikan Black and Gold Sake 750ml
Gekkeikan Black and Gold Sake is liquid heaven, created by the skilled blending of two sake's to create a full bodied, rich, complex sake which bows deeply to its centuries old culture and tradition whilst at the same time welcoming in and being enriched by more modern tastes and developments.
Enjoy Gekkeikan Black and Gold Sake slightly chilled, or at room temperature. It is a clear, slightly opal colored liquid, with a floral slightly pear and citrus aroma, mixed with delicate fragrant rice. As you sip slowly, appreciate it's exquisite and refined subtly as the graduation of delicate flavors begin to evolve in the mouth.
First it whispers freshly cut, ripe honeydew melon and sweet juicy exotic papaya, and, as you roll it around on your tongue, spicy anise will call to you from within, warm and intriguing on the breeze. Roasted nuts come in, light, with a slight alcohol warmth. After you have swallowed it lingers on warm and smooth, inviting you to sip once again. Enjoy Gekkeikan Black and Gold Sake!
Government Issued ID Required for Purchase
You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.
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