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San Antonio Marsala 750ml
San Antonio Marsala 750ml
San Antonio Marsala 750ml

San Antonio Marsala 750ml

Regular price $8.99 $5.99

Save: $3.00 (33%)


San Antonio Marsala 750ml

California wine has been produced since the areaês first European settlers arrived centuries ago. Today, California wine country is the source for 90 percent of wine made in the United States, from everyday table wines to some of the worldês most sought-after bottlings.

San Antonio Marsala is a fortified dessert wine that comes from grapes grown in Sicily. San Antonio Marsala is most well known for its role in cooking where it is the key ingredient in the creamy rich sauce of chicken Marsala. There are many different variations of Marsala varying in sweetness, color, and age. 

Government Issued ID Required for Purchase

You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.

Other Varieties:

San Antonio Sherry Wine 750ml

San Antonio Port 750ml

⚠️ Prop 65 Warning

WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects. For more information, go to
San Antonio Marsala 750ml

San Antonio Marsala 750ml

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Gloria Leong
Very fast delivery and best Marsala

I found out that the restaurant, Peppino’s, uses San Antonio Marsala in their chicken Marsala and it is so good. I can’t find it in stores so I order it from ShopSK. The price is great and shipping is so fast. I buy 6 bottles at a time and share with my friends. So happy to find this company.

Gloria Leong
Best Marsala for Chicken Marsala

I always order chicken Marsala at my favorite Italian restaurant and when I asked them to share the recipe the chef said to always use San Antonio Marsala. I always order 6 bottles and keep 2 for me and 4 for family and friends.


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