Remy Martin, Hennessy and Martell Cognac Combo 750ml
Remy Martin XO Cognac 750ml
Remy Martin XO Cognac is remarkably smooth, rich and mellow. Enjoy the true pleasure of its supreme richness. A myriad of floral, fruity and spicy aromas. Velvet texture, opulent density, giving a superior mellow sensation
Hennessy XO Extra Old Cognac 750ml
The original Hennessy XO Extra Old cognac, first bottled in 1870 by Maurice Henness for family and friends. Darker and much more complex than the VSOP, with appealing leather and tobacco notes and a touch of spice a great cigar Cognac. A blend of 100 eaux-de-vie, its deep amber color is a sign of its intensity. At once rich and robust, it constantly reveals layers of flavors with distinctive persistence on the palate.
A continuing dialogue between the past and present, a blend of the Grand Siècles, Richard Hennessy cannot be explained. It simply must be understood. Rare and precious, Hennessy XO Extra Old Cognac is a product of man’s mastery over time. An unparalleled range of aromas gives Richard Hennessy its unique complexity. Powerful and unexpected, Richard Hennessy reaches heights that approach Cognac perfection.
Martell XO Cognac 750ml
Martell XO Cognac was awarded a gold medal for its complex flavor and masterful blend. Martell is known across the globe for its elegance, smoothness, and finesse. Hints of dried fruits and cinnamon create subtle nuances, delicious textures, and a slightly bitter undertone. It will thrill your palate and awaken your senses. Its flavor and lingering warmth make it perfect for Christmas cocktails. Martell's production process uses unique blending, distillation, and aging techniques. Martell XO Cognac expertly controls every stage of production to create a premium taste that any cognac lover will appreciate.
Government Issued ID Required for Purchase
You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.
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