La Bay London Dry Gin 750ml
La Bay London Dry Gin epitomizes the classic sophistication of London Dry style. Crafted meticulously with juniper, coriander, angelica, and citrus peel, it blends traditional craftsmanship with modern refinement. This gin offers a juniper-forward aroma, complemented by crisp lemon and orange peel on the palate, with subtle notes of coriander and angelica for balance. The finish is clean and dry, leaving a refreshing botanical freshness.
Enjoy the purity of La Bay in a classic gin and tonic or dry martini, garnished with lemon or juniper berries. It also shines in cocktails like the Tom Collins or French 75. Pair it with light seafood, Mediterranean salads, grilled chicken, or gin-infused sauces to elevate your culinary creations.
Overall, La Bay London Dry Gin is a testament to timeless gin-making, perfect for both traditional drinks and creative mixology, inviting you to appreciate its elegance and versatility in every sip
Government Issued ID Required for Purchase
You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.
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