Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml
Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml
Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml

Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml

Regular price $59.99 $54.99

Save: $5.00 (8%)


Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml

Don Julio Añejo Tequila is a testament to the craft of making a superior tasting, aged tequila. Rich, distinctive and wonderfully complex, its flavor strikes the perfect balance between agave and hints of butterscotch and honey with a bright and lightly spiced finish. Aged for 18 months and containing 40 percent alcohol by volume, our premium tequila is made with 100% Blue Weber Agave and is ready for any celebration. Don Julio was named One of the Top Trending Tequilas at the 2020 Drinks International awards. Simply serve neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and simple drink. Includes one 80 proof 750 mL bottle of Añejo Tequila. Please drink responsibly.


  • One 750 mL bottle of Don Julio Añejo Tequila
  • Aged 18 months in American white-oak barrels
  • Complex tequila with agave flavor and hints of butterscotch and honey
  • Made with 100% Blue Weber Agave
  • Perfect as a gift or for any celebration
  • Gluten-Free
  • Simply serve neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and simple drink.
Read more regarding the different types of tequila.

Government Issued ID Required for Purchase

You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.


Other Varieties:

Don Julio 1942 Anejo Tequila

Don Julio Blanco Tequila 375ml

⚠️ Prop 65 Warning

WARNING: Drinking distilled spirits, beer, coolers, wine and other alcoholic beverages may increase cancer risk, and, during pregnancy, can cause birth defects. For more information, go to


Same Day Delivery
  • Dispatch: Within 2 Hours
  • ShopSK can deliver your order directly to your home, office, or event location.
  • Los Angeles and Orange County only
  • Same-day delivery orders placed after 7 PM are not guaranteed for same-day.
  • Please Contact Us directly before placing your order for emergency deliveries.

Select “Pick-up” in order to pick up your purchase at your local ShopSK location of choice.

Ground Shipping
  • Flat rate shipping. California Only
  • Delivery carrier will require proof of age and an adult signature.
Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml

Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml

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