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In-Store Pickup

In-Store Pickup

Store pickup hours are 8 AM to 8 PM. We will notify you once your order is ready to be picked up. Please bring your ShopSK receipt and valid ID. Must be 21 and over.

How do I know my order is ready?

For all pickup orders, ShopSK will send you an email indicating when your order is ready to be picked up.

Please wait for this email confirmation before coming to the store to ensure that your order is ready for you.

How soon will my pickup order be ready?

Orders placed using the Standard Pickup option and placed no later than 11 AM local time will be available by 4 PM the same business day.

Where do I pick up my order?

Simply stop at the customer service desk and let them know you are there to pick up a web order. You must have a valid ID and we recommend bringing a copy of your order confirmation.

Can I pick up my order at another store?


How long will you hold my pickup order before restocking it?

Once we’ve notified you that your order is ready, we’ll hold it in store for seven calendar days.


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