Meiomi Red Blend 750ml
Meiomi Red Blend Red Wine is a well-balanced, richly flavored, and deliciously complex bottled wine. This deep ruby red California wine opens to reveal lifted aromas of dark, jammy fruit and sweet vanilla with a hint of expressive dark roast mocha and juicy blackberry flavors. A delicious red wine made with premium grapes from coastal California's most notable winegrowing regions, this dark red wine blend allows for the true expression of its varied appellations. With each vintage of this flavorful dark wine offering a slightly different blend of varietals to showcase the year's finest fruit – like syrah, zinfandel, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, and other varietals – the vintage's unique blend always delivers a richly layered wine with bold character and exceptional balance. Meiomi wines are crafted with a soft hand in the cellar and gentle winemaking techniques so that these characteristics continue to enhance and build on each other, evolving into an elegant balance of spice and fruit with both weight and restraint. A soft, velvety mouthfeel highlights the full flavor of this evocative and memorable fine wine, leading to a smooth finish. Serve this red blend wine with braised beef short ribs, roast leg of lamb, pepperoni pizza, rich portobello mushroom dishes, full-flavored cheeses, and caramelized vegetables, or enjoy a glass of wine on its own. For optimal flavor, store this 750 mL bottle of wine at room temperature but chill it for 30 minutes before serving. Meiomi Red Blend distinguishes itself as an elegant, balanced, and flavor-forward wine unlike any other. As you gather around the table for Thanksgiving, cozy Friendsgiving potlucks, and holiday dinners, enjoy Meiomi wine in your favorite holiday wine glasses with turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, or mix it with spiced cider, cranberries, and other garnishes to create festive drinks, like white or red wine apple cider sangria. Or gather around the fireplace in Christmas pajamas and warm up while enjoying a glass of wine with loved ones. A perfect wine for the holidays, Meiomi wines make wonderful hostess gifts and great additions to holiday wine gift sets. Please enjoy our wines responsibly.
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You must be 21 years of age or older to purchase this product. A U.S. Government-issued ID or passport is required upon delivery.
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