Glenfiddich Grand Chateau 31 Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
Glenfiddich Grand Chateau 31 Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky is a luxurious expression that redefines the boundaries of whisky craftsmanship. Aged for 31 years in hand-selected oak casks and finished in rare French cuvée casks, this exceptional whisky brings together the elegance of fine champagne with the richness of single malt scotch. The result is a truly opulent whisky with layers of complexity, offering a celebration of flavor, tradition, and innovation in every sip. Experience a rare whisky that blends Scottish heritage with French sophistication.
Nose: A delicate blend of apple blossom, pear, and freshly baked bread, with subtle hints of white grape and almond.
Palate: Silky and refined, offering flavors of vanilla, sweet brioche, and baked apple, balanced by hints of citrus and spice.
Finish: Long, elegant, and subtly sweet, with lingering notes of oak, toasted almonds, and a touch of crème brûlée.
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